You can easily configure the Epson network devices using this wizard. Select a network interface you want to configure, and then click [Next].
If you want to configure more than one network interface, select the target network interfaces while holding down the Ctrl or Shift key.
If a target network interface has factory default settings, it may take a while until the network interface appears in the list. If the network interface does not appear in the list, make sure that the device is turned on and the network connection is correct. Then click the Search icon.
• Sorting Method
You can classify the devices in the list.
None: Displays all of the devices on the network.
IP Address: Classifies by connection method, such as Local, IP address, and Other.
• Search icon
You can update the list of devices.
• EPSON icon
You can link to I Love EPSON.
(Red): Direct IP communication unavailable. (Not Set)
(Yellow): Network settings are already configured, but no devices have been installed.
This is only yellow when the device type is a printer.
(Green): Network settings are already configured, and devices have been installed. (Printing Possible)
Except when the device type is a printer, this status means that network settings are complete.